1. Aden and Anais Swaddle blankets. I love these! Swaddle blankets are a must...but I especially love the ones made out of super soft cotton muslin material or bamboo. Aden and Anais is becoming a super popular brand and I see why. They are a great size, lightweight (which is really nice for a summer baby), breathable and comfy. I also recommend the similar styles made by Swaddle Designs and Chick Pea.
2. Avent Soothie Pacifiers. First, I must say, as a first time parent I had no idea you have to boil new pacifiers. So glad my mother in law was here to tell me because I honestly didn't take the time to read or even realize that there were instructions on the package. Second, I will admit that I gave into a pacifier sooner than I had hoped and planned. I had read, and was also told during a parenting class, that you should wait 4 weeks to introduce a pacifier to a new born. I believe the intentions are to ensure there is no nipple confusion and to make sure your baby has fully mastered breastfeeding before offering a pacifier. Needless to say, whether it was or wasn't the right thing to do...I offered Akayla a pacifier at about 10 days old after getting the all clear from her Pediatrician. While she doesn't use one regularly, or need one to fall asleep, they have come in handy. She is showing preference to the Avent Soothie brand over the others she has, even though I personally think they are the ugliest thing (not cute for pictures either!).
3. Lansinoh HPA Lanolin. For all breastfeeding mothers...this is a must!!! It was recommended to me by many experienced mothers and boy am I SO GLAD I had it on hand from the very beginning. This product soothes and protects...truly provides the much needed relief you'll need.
4. Britax Car Seat and Stroller. So it's no surprise that every new parent needs a car seat. These days the hospital won't let you leave without one. We chose Britax for both the car seat and stroller and, so far, are very happy with both products.
5. Fisher Price Rock 'N Play Sleeper. We decided to try this product instead of a true bassinet. Every baby needs a place to sleep and this product has worked well for us so far. It is lightweight and portable so you can easily move it from one room to another. This is why I like this product so much...especially for a newborn. We move it to the living room for naps, outside when we are eating on the patio and back to the bedroom at night.
6. Mommy's Bliss Gripe Water. Mr. heard about this product a few weeks before Akayla was born and purchased a bottle. We heard even more about it at as it came highly recommended at our parenting/baby basics class. Mommy’s Bliss® Gripe Water is a safe and effective all natural herbal supplement used to ease gas and stomach discomfort often associated with colic, hiccups and teething. Akayla has been more receptive to this product vs. gas drops. As a baby that gets the hiccups multiple times each day and has had a few bouts of gas, this product has really come in handy.
7. Pampers Diapers. This is the obvious one...every baby needs diapers! We decided to use Pampers Swaddles first and they have worked out well for us. I just recently decided to purchase Earth's Best Diapers instead to try and may even consider cloth diapers but I can highly recommend Pampers.