Well...as you may have read in my previous post, our Petunia was originally named Celeste. We knew almost immediately that we had to find a more suitable name. Mr. was the one that suggested Petunia. I didn't love it at first...but after a few hours it grew on me. Our little Petunia...somehow that just fit! It's even more delighting when strangers ask us what her name is and when we tell them Petunia their faces light up. We regularly hear things like "Oh..what a perfect name." Or "She looks like a Petunia."
Nicknames...have you ever had a pet with a nickname? Well...we can say that our Petunia has several. These too just grew on us...one day Mr. called her Toonzeez and another time it was Tunes. And I'll be honest...I sometimes call her my Love Bug or Miss Tunes or Baby. In my opinion she has the personality to fit each and every one of these names. :)
Does she look like a Petunia to you?
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i love her so...and her name is perfect...who could ask for anything more...in a name:)